Sobre Nós!

3 comentários:

  1. For those who don´t know how to read in portuguese:
    I hosted them in my house for a few days and we became friends. I can contribute to their project by describing my experience with them, helping them to get more support on their way to the North Cape.

    Tiago and Telma are very nice, easygoing and respectfull. They are a very sweet and friendly couple and their commitment to this project is very inspiring. I gave them a place to stay but they gave me much more. I enjoyed their company and I´m glad to contibute to their project. Shouldn't we all help each other so that everyone can fulfill their dreams?
    Patrícia Lavado Beja - Arraiolos - Portugal

  2. PArabens pela aventura. Tenho acompanhado o vosso blog mas ontem fiquei com uma dúvida quando diziam na televisão que levavam 210kg de bagagem.
    Digam-me, como fazem para carregar tudo no avião?Pagam excesso de carga ou enviam tudo por DHL?


    1. Olá Ricardo,
      Isso foi um mal entendido, os 210kg são no total a contar com o nosso peso, de bagagem levámos cerca de 45kg :)
